November 28, 2006


There hasn't really been any media coverage, but I think there's a hockey game in Edmonton tonight.

I really wish I could be there tonight,but oh well. I will be watching though, as I decided to be a sucker and order the PPV. Isn't it funny Sportsnet passed on televising what may have been their highest rated Oilers game ever? I'm sure the Oilers would never decide to keep the game as a PPV knowing suckers like me would give them a big payday. However, I will be okay with it if the extra money they make tonight is allocated to Smyth's new contract.

I hope the crowd will be loud & obnoxious/rude, but not violent. I'm guessing the game itself will be a bit of a let down after all this lead up. We all hope Raffi puts one of his tank armored shoulders into Mr. Lauren's chin, but I doubt anything even close will happen. The Oil are (in interviews anyway) way too chummy with him for my liking.

My biggest hope for tonight is that I will be able to put some of my rage behind me. I still have that punched in the gut feeling every time: a) they show a picture of Chrissy pumping his fist after a goal in the playoffs or b) I recall my reaction when he signed his 5 year contract-"finally, after all this time we can finally have premier players on this team again." I realize it is a bit juvenile to get so wrapped up in a game and the players that play it, but beyond the hockey I am disgusted with Pronger as a person.

I predict 5-3 Oilers - Smyth x2, Horcoff, Stoll and Pisani with an empty netter. Pronger will score on the PP for the Ducks breaking the Oilers PK streak, thus further enraging the crowd.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Thoughts from last night.

The way the Oilers played the 3rd was pretty disappointing. How could they let this one get away? You’re ahead of arguably the top team in the league and that’s your third period effort?

The worst part is possibly losing Hemsky for awhile. I haven't heard anything this morning, but it didn't sound great last night.

I’m being totally paranoid, but has Smyth seemed a little off since he made his comments after Staios got his extension? I know he got a goal last night, but he scores those ones in his sleep. But like I said, I’m being paranoid; Smyth has too much character to let his contract affect his play.

As for Pronger, I think the crowd got it right. The booing was not over the top. It was a "you stink, you treated this team and city like shit, but you know what - we don't need you" kind of feel. I think I'm over the whole thing now too. I've come to the conclusion that we only want guys that really want to be here - character guys.

As for Anaheim, they better enjoy this success while it lasts. I don’t know, but I would guess much of their young talent is going to be up for raises before long. It’s going to be awfully hard to keep two $6 million d-men with the cap. I'm not losing much sleep over it though.