November 23, 2006


This post relates to Albertans only.

This Saturday we have a chance to do something very rare in our parliamentary system - vote directly for our Premier. The last time this happened was 13 or 14 years ago when Klein won the PC leadership. For $5 we get to have a direct say in who will lead us through this economic juggernaut.

On the surface it would appear that it doesn't really matter who wins. Surely anyone can govern a province with our wealth. This is erroneous, as Klein has proven. There has to be a clear plan. Our current economy can not last forever - nothing does. It is vital for our children and their children that we do not squander this wealth.

Take a bit of time and research the candidates, then vote for the one you like the most. For my part, I will be voting for Ted Morton as he most closely represents my views and vision for Alberta.

Exercise your right on Saturday!


Anonymous said...

Hot damn! Remember to bring a carload of family to vote for Ted!

Eric said...
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