November 23, 2006

Watching Seinfeld

Not that anyone would care, but I have removed "Seinfeld Reruns" from my must see TV category for the time being, because of the Michael Richards incident. I'm not usually affected by an actors real life. For example, I enjoyed "MI:3" even after Crazy Cruise's couch jumping. And while I don't care for their politics, I appreciate Penn, Clooney and especially Depp for their talent.

It is difficult, however, to reconcile the anger we saw from Michael Richards on the TMZ clip with the lovable character he plays on "Seinfeld". It's kind of like trying to laugh at OJ's Nordberg on the "Naked Gun" movies post-loppings(allegedly). Not that what Richards did compares to what Simpson "if he did it" did, it's just the same uncomfortable feeling. I know I'll eventually start watching "Seinfeld" again - it's just way too funny to cut it out forever - but it will be awhile

Like Jerry said when Kramer runs away from the doctors office in the Andrea Doria episode, "You are bad! Bad neighbor!"

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