November 21, 2006


Here's my over/under lines for tonights Oilers beat down of the Flames. Give me your predictions if you happen by before game time tonight. My predictions in copper.

-Roli the goalie lashes out at a Flamer or ref: 4.5 over

-Kipper is shown on TV lifting his mask up during a break in play, staring at nothing and thinking "duh-uh": 8.5 under

-A Flamer d-man leaves his skates on a hit &/or head hunts in general: 3.5 over

-Flames fan would still take the under if the line was: 1.5

-Actual line on the game is: 5.5 My prediction: 4-2 Oil, therefore I take the over

-FYI - Pro-line has the Oilers as slight favorites @ 1.95


Anonymous said...

You forgot one...

When Kipper lifts his mask he has this # of black eyes from run-ins with donkey cock(s): 0.5 - I take the over

Eric said...

Well, the Oil had a good night, but I sure didn't. I should be a weatherman with the accuracy of my predictions.

While I technically got the Kipper one right, I can't take the point in good conscious. That shiner and general yellowing of his face was worth at least 3 or 4 pts each time he lifted his mask. Just for my own mental imagery I wish I could come up with a plausible alternative to the commenter above (that you Nate?)regarding how he got the shiner, but I'm sure he's right. Yikes!

The best part of the victory is that we don't have to listen to Flames fans talk about "games in hand, games in hand" for a couple days anyway.

Anonymous said...

I can only assume that you meant to say "in good conscience". However, I, like most North Americans realize that intelligence is not a pre-requisite of being an Edmontonian and/or cheering for their teams. Regarding the last Battle of Alberta, count yourselves lucky. Even your Edmonton Sportsnet team made mention of the fact that the Oilers were outplayed for most of the game and stole 2 points, thanks to your flash-in-the-pan goalie, a generous call by the referee to create a 5 on 3 and a rare defensive zone breakdown by the Flames. A few observations: If there was ever a TV movie about Ryan Smyth, it would be called, " I think my first name is Ryan". Only a few of you will fully appreciate that one. Speaking of Ryan, I firmly believe he could be one the all-time great poker players in history. Whether he scores a goal or gets hit in the face with a puck, his expression never changes. He is probably about 5 IQ points from drooling. I would really like to know what he took to recover from that vicious knee-on-knee hit he took against Colorado. Lays there like he was shot, Gumps off the ice and practices the next day. Amazing.
I was recently in Edmonton and lost track of time. I looked at my watch and thought,"oh no, I better "Pronger". Finally, I will leave you with a joke.

Q: What is better than being an Oilers fan?

A: Not being retarded.

Anonymous said...

Just reading the insane ramblings of you Oiler fans. Curious how one would know what a donkey cock related injury would look like. Going through your photos of your trip to Tijuana?

Anonymous said...

LOL! Man is it funny to hear Flamer fans complain that they outplayed the opponent and only lost because of great goaltending! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Oh man there aren't enough h's or a's to describe my laughter. How does it feel suckers!

Maybe we should say that it's not our goaltending saving our asses - simply our outstanding defensive play! HAHAHA!

Anonymous said...

I just hope you enjoy it while it lasts. Roloson is a 37 year old goalie who has never been a starter in his career, wasn't even good enough for the Flames back when admittedly, their goaltending sucked. You all seem to forget that it was Markenen who carried you to the finals and Rolie who let in a weak goal per game and got hot for a couple of weeks in the playoffs. 2008 is a leap year but I bet this February will feel pretty long for you Oiler fans as well.
P.S. Kipper: Vezina trophy winner, record holder for GAA and Jennings trophy winner.
Rolie: Mediocre goalie who would would be best in a backup role, playing 15-20 games per season. I wonder if the Flames would trade McLennan straight across for him. Probably not.

Eric said...

"it was Markenen who carried you to the finals" - huh? Maybe you were golfing with the Flamers after the first round and couldn't get to a TV. Roli carried them to the finals - Markkanen played after game one in the finals.

And don't be ridiculous, if the $'s were the same the Flamers would make that trade in a heartbeat. I know Sutter looks stupid and sounds stupid, well, then again ...

Anonymous said...

So very, very sorry. "Carried you through the Finals", when the stakes were the highest. Watch out for another knee injury for Rolie. He should also be careful not to pop a retina or give himself an aneurism when somebody taps him. All goalies are little sissies when it comes to that but oldie the goalie has taken it to a whole new level.

P.S. Flames rule, Oilers suck. (whoops, I whink I've lowered myself almost down to your guys' level. i.e. donkey cocks, flameRs). Well done.