November 28, 2006

Questions for Pronger

Some questions I wish the media would ask, in no particular order:

-Why sign a 5 year contract if you don't intend to keep it?
-Did you not discuss the next 5 years of your life with your family?
-Did you not explain to your wife before you got married that in professional sports it is very likely you will be traded at some point and you could end up playing somewhere, like, you know, Canada?
-Why did you go to Mexico and let your agent do your dirty work like a little girl?
-Why couldn't you let Oil fans enjoy the Cup run for a good week before kicking them in the nuts?

Please add any that I missed.


Anonymous said...

How about:

"which would you say is worse - telling the truth or allowing everyone to make up their own crazy hypotheses?"
and as a follow up:
"is the truth even worse than the rumors? how many illegitimate children DO you have?"

In the end honestly I don't really care anymore. Yeah it was a hard kick to the old nut sack (especially given the lengthy contract), but "stuff" happens I guess. I'm just glad he showed some respect to the team and the fans in the press conference. I believe the gist was "best & loudest fans ever". Period. Smiley Face. And then a backslash for no good reason.

Eric said...

Ya, I'm over it now too. I just had to "unleash the fury Mitch" one more time (yes I know my name isn't Mitch, but what a great line).