November 29, 2006

The Wave

So at the Hawks/Oilers game Friday night The Wave was attempted three times by my count. One time it went around 3 or 4 times and the other two attempts were basically unsuccessful.

While watching the guy trying to get it started each time it got me thinking, what is his story - what is the profile of a "Wave Starter"? Do they come from good homes or are they alcoholics? Are they successful at their jobs or are they dysfunctional losers? Are they doctors or lawyers or entrepreneurs?

And how does one decide to be a wave starter? Is it handed down generation to generation?

10 Years Old
"Daddy, I want to start a wave!"
"Not yet son, you're not quite old enough."

14 Years Old
"Dad, I want to start a wave."
"Give it a little more time son. You need to practice at home a little more - I'm not quite buying in to your performance yet."

16 Years Old
"Dad, please let me start a wave!"
"OK son, you're ready" he says while smiling with paternal pride, "You're ready." In the background 'The Circle of Life' quietly plays.

Feel free to give me your thoughts, although I'm likely the only person bored enough to be even thinking about this today.

November 28, 2006

Questions for Pronger

Some questions I wish the media would ask, in no particular order:

-Why sign a 5 year contract if you don't intend to keep it?
-Did you not discuss the next 5 years of your life with your family?
-Did you not explain to your wife before you got married that in professional sports it is very likely you will be traded at some point and you could end up playing somewhere, like, you know, Canada?
-Why did you go to Mexico and let your agent do your dirty work like a little girl?
-Why couldn't you let Oil fans enjoy the Cup run for a good week before kicking them in the nuts?

Please add any that I missed.


There hasn't really been any media coverage, but I think there's a hockey game in Edmonton tonight.

I really wish I could be there tonight,but oh well. I will be watching though, as I decided to be a sucker and order the PPV. Isn't it funny Sportsnet passed on televising what may have been their highest rated Oilers game ever? I'm sure the Oilers would never decide to keep the game as a PPV knowing suckers like me would give them a big payday. However, I will be okay with it if the extra money they make tonight is allocated to Smyth's new contract.

I hope the crowd will be loud & obnoxious/rude, but not violent. I'm guessing the game itself will be a bit of a let down after all this lead up. We all hope Raffi puts one of his tank armored shoulders into Mr. Lauren's chin, but I doubt anything even close will happen. The Oil are (in interviews anyway) way too chummy with him for my liking.

My biggest hope for tonight is that I will be able to put some of my rage behind me. I still have that punched in the gut feeling every time: a) they show a picture of Chrissy pumping his fist after a goal in the playoffs or b) I recall my reaction when he signed his 5 year contract-"finally, after all this time we can finally have premier players on this team again." I realize it is a bit juvenile to get so wrapped up in a game and the players that play it, but beyond the hockey I am disgusted with Pronger as a person.

I predict 5-3 Oilers - Smyth x2, Horcoff, Stoll and Pisani with an empty netter. Pronger will score on the PP for the Ducks breaking the Oilers PK streak, thus further enraging the crowd.

November 24, 2006


OH NO! I might be the last person to hear about this, but click on "Smyth" above (sorry, still haven't got linking down). I can't recall Ryan talking like this before - not even remotely close to this.

I can actually see Smyth's point here. Why is he the last core guy to get an extension? If anyone "deserves" a big thank you contract, it's the guy that has lived and breathed Oilers since his draft day. I would argue there has never been a better Oiler (I'm not talking just talent).

Get it done Lowe!!!

Oilers/Hawks Tonight

I'm off to my first Oilers game of the season tonight. Not really notable except that my wife and I are taking our two oldest kids to an Oilers game for the first time. Obviously going to watch the Oil is always something to look forward to, and I go as often as is possible, but when the guys you're watching on the ice are the same age as you the mystique of an NHL game kind of disappears. But knowing how much my kids have been looking forward to this brings back memories of every game my Dad took me to as a kid. Back then there was absolutely nothing greater than finding an Oilers ticket in a birthday card or a Christmas stocking. So, for the first time in a long time I'm actually giddy about going to a game. I can't wait to see how much they enjoy it.

As for the game itself, it's not really a game I would usually be primed about attending. I always prefer going to the BOA or other big rivalries, but these days you go to whatever game you can actually get tickets to.

This is a must win. If they lose it could be one of those games we'll look back to in April, wishing they had 2 pts coming down the stretch. I'm expecting a 4-1 win (Sykora, Smyth, Hemsky, Stoll).

November 23, 2006

Watching Seinfeld

Not that anyone would care, but I have removed "Seinfeld Reruns" from my must see TV category for the time being, because of the Michael Richards incident. I'm not usually affected by an actors real life. For example, I enjoyed "MI:3" even after Crazy Cruise's couch jumping. And while I don't care for their politics, I appreciate Penn, Clooney and especially Depp for their talent.

It is difficult, however, to reconcile the anger we saw from Michael Richards on the TMZ clip with the lovable character he plays on "Seinfeld". It's kind of like trying to laugh at OJ's Nordberg on the "Naked Gun" movies post-loppings(allegedly). Not that what Richards did compares to what Simpson "if he did it" did, it's just the same uncomfortable feeling. I know I'll eventually start watching "Seinfeld" again - it's just way too funny to cut it out forever - but it will be awhile

Like Jerry said when Kramer runs away from the doctors office in the Andrea Doria episode, "You are bad! Bad neighbor!"


This post relates to Albertans only.

This Saturday we have a chance to do something very rare in our parliamentary system - vote directly for our Premier. The last time this happened was 13 or 14 years ago when Klein won the PC leadership. For $5 we get to have a direct say in who will lead us through this economic juggernaut.

On the surface it would appear that it doesn't really matter who wins. Surely anyone can govern a province with our wealth. This is erroneous, as Klein has proven. There has to be a clear plan. Our current economy can not last forever - nothing does. It is vital for our children and their children that we do not squander this wealth.

Take a bit of time and research the candidates, then vote for the one you like the most. For my part, I will be voting for Ted Morton as he most closely represents my views and vision for Alberta.

Exercise your right on Saturday!

November 21, 2006


Here's my over/under lines for tonights Oilers beat down of the Flames. Give me your predictions if you happen by before game time tonight. My predictions in copper.

-Roli the goalie lashes out at a Flamer or ref: 4.5 over

-Kipper is shown on TV lifting his mask up during a break in play, staring at nothing and thinking "duh-uh": 8.5 under

-A Flamer d-man leaves his skates on a hit &/or head hunts in general: 3.5 over

-Flames fan would still take the under if the line was: 1.5

-Actual line on the game is: 5.5 My prediction: 4-2 Oil, therefore I take the over

-FYI - Pro-line has the Oilers as slight favorites @ 1.95

November 20, 2006

2006 Grey Cup

Is it just me or was that the most boring Grey Cup game in years? There was just no drama in this game. The result was predictable. There was no hate on between the teams. No Matthews to cheer against. No prominent player stickin' it to his former team. Nothing.

In fairness, anything but an absolute epic would have been a let down when compared to last years Grey Cup (the greatest Cup in my memory) or the incredible Ohio/Michigan game on Saturday. But when the biggest story coming out of the game is that McCallum won't have manure on his front yard this year, it wasn't much of a championship final. Oh well.

November 18, 2006

I'm a blogger!

I hate jumping on bandwagons, but here I am on the blogwagon. I have loved reading the blogs I have listed to the right for the past 1+ year and decided to join the crowd myself. To be honest, the motivation came when Mike W. at Covered in Oil shamed me into discontinuing life as "Anonymous" with his recent portrait (someday I'll learn how to link properly). And yes, I know I'm the last late 20's/early 30's person to start a blog.

Although I don't have the insight or intelligence of a Cosh or Wells I still think it will be fun/therapeutic to share my thoughts on a wide variety of interests and non-interests with whoever may stumble by.

Don't be afraid to let me know when I'm wrong and definitely let me know me when I'm right.