January 5, 2007

What was that?

Caught the second half of the Oilers-Stars last night. Amazing finish obviously, but the Oil have got to learn to hold a lead. I know I'm giving RealFan ammo here, but I think we have to be concerned when they can't hold a big lead against a team that just played overtime in a late game the night before and they are missing 3 of their 4 best forwards AND the back up is in for most of the game.

The offense did their jobs - you should win when you score 4 or 5 - but Roli and the defense have got to get their act together. It looks like MacT is paying for over using Roli in the early going.

The good news is they can right the ship tonight against the Nucks. They should be ripe for the picking.



Anonymous said...

Uggggg tell me about it. While most people likely changed channels after the 4-1 lead I was glued to the edge of my seat waiting for the collapse. I certainly didn't have to wait very long.

It was still almost worth it to see the debacle that ensued in the last minute of play... but not quite.

Maybe Mac T has to pull Hemsky aside and tell him that if we don't score 8 goals we're going to lose and he will get stabbed in the throat with a beer bottle. Or something. Cause he is F'N AWESOME! And I mean F'N! I think he could score 8 goals on his own in a game if he'd just decide to do it instead of setting up pretty plays.

Anyway I'm rambling but all the best in 2007 Bloomer! Gooooooooo Oilers!

Anonymous said...

Where are you Bloomer? My life has no meaning... please tell me what to think! : )