January 31, 2007

Flames Win the Cup! Flames Win the Cup!

What a glorious day for Flamer fans everywhere! It's not often that a team is awarded the Stanley Cup in January, but it's happened. You haven't heard this news? Just listen to Calgary radio and they'll fill you in on all the details. In fact, you already heard this if you listened in after THE TRADE (R) for Conroy.

I'm actually really enjoying this. To watch the Flamers crash and burn after this euphoria is going to be a thing of beauty. I love how the addition of a 35 year old on the downside of his career is such huge news. You'd think they just got Gretzky circa '85/'86. For the record, what they got was a guy who was averaging 0.31 pts/gm, but who after last night is now at 0.34 pts/gm. Woweee!

On a more serious note, I am concerned about Conroy's health and, although not a Flames fan, I'm upset at the King's for not disclosing his problem prior to THE TRADE (R). This is the first headline that pops up at NHL.com today: "Conroy's pair burns former club."

Anyway, enjoy the (short) ride Flame fans. And keep praying for Kipper's continued good health!

(R) THE TRADE is a Registered Trademark of the Gilmour for Leeman trade of the 1991/1992 season.


Anonymous said...

lmao @ "Conroy's pair burns"

I hear there is a cream for that. Just ask Arthur Tig Adekunle Elvis Sammy King Jr. or whatever crease-freak's name is.

Anonymous said...

In the words of the great Jim Rome,"SCOREBOARD". Or in this case, standings list. It is funny how you Oil fans have given up on this season. I mean, you do have your reasons. Not really scoring, not much defense, poor goaltending and not really even playing that well at home anymore.
As for "Bloomer"'s comments: I must start listening to more calgary radio. All I have heard is that Conroy was added as a depth player to most likely play on the second or third line. I have also heard the guys on the afternoon show talk about their predictions that Calgary will be a bottom 4 playoff spot finisher. Have more to say later.

P.S. I wonder if Smyttie will sign to stay in such a losing environment.
P.P.S. By the way, nice job by the Oil to piss off their best player by offering him an extension right in the middle of their "playoff run". I quite enjoyed Einstein's comments about that. "This should have been done earlier in the season, I told them I didn't want to deal with this at this point in the season, it's ridiculous".
Headline in next week's SUN:
"Oilers now sellers at trade deadline". Better luck next year. But keep your chins up, all the Oil needs is a goalie, about 6 forwards and a few defenseman to become a legitimate NHL team.

Anonymous said...

This blog isn't very much fun anymore. It was great 2 or 3 months ago, the Oil was in playoff contention and you guys felt,"strong like bull". Now that that they are finished for this season and the Flames are dominating every aspect of the game, I am getting kind of bored. It has been cool to see my predictions about the Oil coming true.
1. Flames are 8 points up with a game in hand.
2. Flames have scored 17 more goals.
3. Flames have allowed 23 fewer goals.
4. Better goaltending.
5. Better defencemen.
6. More skilled forwards.
7. Iginla has played 2 fewer games than your best player and still has 13 more points.
8. Iginla, Langkow, Tanguay and Huselius all have more points than the Oil's leading scorer.
I imagine that your comeback will include clever nameplays and references to the trap but if you could throw in something fresh, that would be great.