January 23, 2007

Isn't it Ironic

"It's a traffic jam, when you're already late; a no smoking sign, on your cigarette break;
it's like having your all time favorite, finally in the all star game; then having K-Lowe's efforts to re-sign, coming up lame. Isn't it ironic...don't you think; a little too ironic - yeah, I really do think."

I promised Mess I wouldn't cry, but if after all his years bleeding copper & blue, having him within a game of the Cup, watching him play like he is (and always has) this year and finally getting all star recognition, he gets traded or leaves as a free agent, I'm going to bawl like you know who. I thought we were done with the 'losing all our good players' era.

How is it the Oilers can't afford Smyth under the new cap system (or from what we hear in the Flamers case, Arthur Tig), yet someone else can? Are the small market teams right back where they were two seasons ago?


Anonymous said...

Amen brotha!

Pay him what's fair and get it done! I can't believe it's really a matter of money though. Fan support would likely drop (albeit temporarily) if Smyttie were to leave, so they'd likely lose some of that money anyway. That's not even to mention all the extra jerseys, etc. that are sold every year he's with the team.

I can only assume it's a matter of length of contract. Maybe Smyttie wants a 5 year deal or something? I could see why Lowe wouldn't really want to lock in for too long since Smyttie could be 100% retarded by then. :p

Hopefully they can get something figured out well before the trade deadline - the last thing we need is another distraction.

Eric said...

I trust Lowe to do what's best for the team. I just can't believe letting Captain Canada go is what is best, but what do I know (other than lyrics to gay songs)?

Anonymous said...


I think we're alone now.... doesn't seem to be anyone around...

Sooooooo bad. Thanks a lot by the way. I had the stupid Ironic song in my head all afternoon yesterday. Even a high-powered drill couldn't have got that song out.