January 31, 2007

Flames Win the Cup! Flames Win the Cup!

What a glorious day for Flamer fans everywhere! It's not often that a team is awarded the Stanley Cup in January, but it's happened. You haven't heard this news? Just listen to Calgary radio and they'll fill you in on all the details. In fact, you already heard this if you listened in after THE TRADE (R) for Conroy.

I'm actually really enjoying this. To watch the Flamers crash and burn after this euphoria is going to be a thing of beauty. I love how the addition of a 35 year old on the downside of his career is such huge news. You'd think they just got Gretzky circa '85/'86. For the record, what they got was a guy who was averaging 0.31 pts/gm, but who after last night is now at 0.34 pts/gm. Woweee!

On a more serious note, I am concerned about Conroy's health and, although not a Flames fan, I'm upset at the King's for not disclosing his problem prior to THE TRADE (R). This is the first headline that pops up at NHL.com today: "Conroy's pair burns former club."

Anyway, enjoy the (short) ride Flame fans. And keep praying for Kipper's continued good health!

(R) THE TRADE is a Registered Trademark of the Gilmour for Leeman trade of the 1991/1992 season.

January 30, 2007

Why Smyth Will Be Signed

For those that don't know, I went to the game against the Sharks this past Friday with a buddy. We went up to the city with a couple other guys and also met up with some cutey and his wife at the game. Other than the game itself, a great time was had by all, I think - well I know I had a great time.

I'm not going to comment on the game since they've already won one since, other than to say 39 had a great game. Unfortunately, I noticed him and his bum buddy a lot more than guys like 14 or 15. For the record, the Oil are now 1-2 this season with me in the building. Do they get nervous when they know I'm watching? A valid argument could be made, no doubt.

The highlight of the night came after the game. I got a chance to have an in depth, intelligent conversation with Pat LaForge. And yes, it was in depth and intelligent no matter what you may think or have heard; the proof is in the pudding, as they say. It can be no coincidence that ONE DAY after I delivered my well founded and deeply researched arguments as to why Smyth needs to be signed up long term, Don Meeghan was in town to begin negotiations. I know I can be pretty convincing at times (enter four children into evidence as exhibit A), but I have to say I'm quite impressed with myself over this one.

January 25, 2007

Hey Now, You're an All Star

"Hey now, you're an All Star, get your game on, go play!"

A few thoughts from the All Star festivities we just endured:

-Am I the only guy who wants to OJ the head off of the next reporter who refers to the all star events as "festivities?" It's almost become as annoying as "there's 10 games 'on tap' in the NHL tonight."

-I could care less about the result of the game, but I'm watching so I kind of cheer for the West. That is, until Kipper is in, then I couldn't have been happier to see the puck go in their net.

-It was good to see Smyttie out there. Unfortunately, not even his presence could keep me from falling asleep with a few minutes left in the 2nd. I woke up to find the game was over and my wife had American Idol on. Should it be a concern to anyone that I, as a hockey fan, was able to stay awake for Idol, but the all star festivities put me to sleep?

-Festivities, festivities, festivities!

-On tap for tomorrow, my thoughts about the Sharks/Oilers game that I think I'm going to.

"The ice we skate is getting pretty thin; the waters gettin' warm so we might as well swim."

January 23, 2007

Isn't it Ironic

"It's a traffic jam, when you're already late; a no smoking sign, on your cigarette break;
it's like having your all time favorite, finally in the all star game; then having K-Lowe's efforts to re-sign, coming up lame. Isn't it ironic...don't you think; a little too ironic - yeah, I really do think."

I promised Mess I wouldn't cry, but if after all his years bleeding copper & blue, having him within a game of the Cup, watching him play like he is (and always has) this year and finally getting all star recognition, he gets traded or leaves as a free agent, I'm going to bawl like you know who. I thought we were done with the 'losing all our good players' era.

How is it the Oilers can't afford Smyth under the new cap system (or from what we hear in the Flamers case, Arthur Tig), yet someone else can? Are the small market teams right back where they were two seasons ago?

January 18, 2007

Backstreet's Back - Alright!!!

"Everybody - ye-ah! Rock your body - ye-ah! Everybody - ye-ah! Rock your body right! 'cause Bloomer's back, alright!!!"

This post could have been titled "Still here, Part Trois" but that's getting lame. As lame as quoting a Backstreet Boys song to announce my return? Well, maybe not quite, but there it is.

Since my last post I have been going back and forth between bouts of rage, wanting to kill MacT for his unimaginative coaching with the offensive line up he's been given and bouts of severe depression, wondering if my beloved Oil are going to finish behind the Iginlasoffs in the standings this season. Luckily the one trick ponies (check out NateDawg's Hizzouse) are finally realizing they are the Flames and they don't have "Arthur" (NateDawg again) in the line up. I know the Oil haven't been lighting the world on fire, but I can feel the mid to late season hot streak coming.

Anyway, back to work for me. For the 1 or 2 of you that read this blog, I promise to try to be as reliable at regularly posting as the Flamers are at losing on the road.

"Yes, I want it that way."

January 5, 2007

What was that?

Caught the second half of the Oilers-Stars last night. Amazing finish obviously, but the Oil have got to learn to hold a lead. I know I'm giving RealFan ammo here, but I think we have to be concerned when they can't hold a big lead against a team that just played overtime in a late game the night before and they are missing 3 of their 4 best forwards AND the back up is in for most of the game.

The offense did their jobs - you should win when you score 4 or 5 - but Roli and the defense have got to get their act together. It looks like MacT is paying for over using Roli in the early going.

The good news is they can right the ship tonight against the Nucks. They should be ripe for the picking.


January 4, 2007


I'm looking forward to Nedved's return tonight. While Nedved won't solve the defensive problems the Oil are going through, having another skilled froward to mix in will (hopefully) finally force MacT to go offensive. I'm tired of hearing about "defensive zone coverage" and "puck possession." Let's start rolling 3 offensive lines and let them fly!