December 8, 2006

Still Here

I'm still here. This week got out of control so I haven't been able to blog. I have lots of things to talk about, but I'm going to keep this one short since I have to get home to watch the game. Speaking of the Oilers - do things change in a week or what? I was at the Oil/Jackets fiasco with a buddy a week ago and after that I was about ready to kill someone. But winning 2 games since has eased my mind for now.

I was in Calgary for the last couple days. Okay city, but man do I hate the Flamers and their fans. I watched the game in the hotel pub last night. It was amusing being in enemy territory as the Trapginlasoffs "battled" the Wild to a shootout loss - that being the Wild that have Gaborik, Walz, Demitra and 3 more regulars out. The fans couldn't even pretend it was an exciting game, and you should have heard the groans when Kipper lost the shoot out again. Very enjoyable!

Anyway that's it for now. Go Oilers!

PS. Let me know what you think of my new nickname (Trapginlasoffs) for the Flames. I think it captures their essence quite well.


Anonymous said...

Amazing. You are the only one who seems to think the Flames still play the trap. I have watched alot of their games and have heard sportscasters from every network in Canada talk about how good the Flames' forecheck is, how much speed they have, what a good physical style they have and how much more offense they are creating this year-even if it hasn't translated into goals yet. I don't know you personally but I very much doubt you actually EVER watch A Flame game from start to finish. You most likely use their games to fill commercial time on whatever else you are watching. It will be very interesting to see how the Oilers do in Minnesota. I am sure it will be a very exciting game. And yes, the Wild were missing some of their key players and were still able to win the game in a Faggy shootout. Look at the Oil-even with half their talent gone they have managed to win 2. By the way, VERY catchy nickname. I will now call the Oilers the Stupoldeuros. Yes, I think that works. smySTUPIDth, roloOLDson and the rest is self-explanatory. Nice job by your management to strengthen an already strong western conference team by trading Pronger to the Ducks. Great move. What? None of the 15 eastern teams wanted your best(by a lot, even according to you) player for a ready-to-crumble euro d-man and a ,WOW!, 25 goal scorer. Have you heard the rumour that Pronger left due to a lack of sexual chemistry in the locker room. I guess they just fell out of love.

Anonymous said...

I'm not on board with the new nickname for a couple of reasons:
1) It's too hard to say (even sober)
2) It doesn't describe the homosexual nature of the team as well as "flamers".

Speaking of which - the only team WITH sexual chemistry is the Flamers. They suck on and off the ice. Shameful.

P.S. A Flamers game is not exciting enough to fill commercial time. I would suggest something more lively such as Wheel of Fortune - at least there is some clapping.

Anonymous said...

"Hi, Ales? It's Ryan; we can't fool around tonight, I have a hemorrhoid. We're telling the press that it's a broken thumb. DUH, I Love You."

Anonymous said...

I find it amazing that the slow, defensive Flames have scored 5 goals and chased the starting goalie in each of their last two games while the freewheeling offensive powerhouse to the north has scored a total of 3 goals in their losses to Chicago (yikes!) and Nashville. Remember a few days ago when the Oil were 5 points up? Now, they sit 1 point up and the Flames still have two games in hand. Amazing how when Minnesota has home ice advantage and questionable refereeing they can squeeze out a win. Then they come into the Flames' house and get their asses handed to them. I can't wait for the New Year's Eve beatdown of the Oil.

P.S. Did anyone else notice that Chrissy Pronger (aka: Prongs, aka: best player the Oil has had since the late 80's, aka: alleged knockerupper of local newschick), scored a couple of goals tonight. Hey! Didn't he match the Oil's scoring tonight all by himself?

P.P.S. Hadn't Pronger just signed a 5 year deal before the one season he actually gutted out in Oiltown before bailing? Can't remember.