December 12, 2006

Vote for Rory

I still haven't taken the time to figure out how to link, but you've got to check these ads out. Just make sure you watch them when you won't get in trouble for laughing out loud, because you will.

For the record, I support Rory getting voted into the game. Maybe this will finally make all major league sports realize fans voting for starting line ups is ridiculously stupid.


Anonymous said...

LOL! nice.

Anonymous said...

I, for one, am pissed. If some random guy in the States wanted to make a fool of the Fan voting system by getting some no-name, no-talent defenseman into the all-star game, why didn't he pick one of the Oiler's d-men. Think I will protest his protest by writing in votes for the talentless Oil D. Let's see: Smith, Smid, Staios, Bergeron, Tjarnqvist and Greene. Did I miss anyone?