December 19, 2006

Still Here, Part Deux

What a busy couple of weeks. Hopefully now I'll have more time to share my all important thoughts regularly again.

In the mean time, leave me some comments regarding the void you have felt in your lives with me not blogging every day or two.


Anonymous said...

I don't really see any point to getting out of bed anymore. Without Bloomer's Blog to inspire I may as well be a vegetable...

Or a Flames fan. BURN!

P.S. Flames suck.

Eric said...

I promise to blog more often. I will not be responsible for even one person becoming a Flames fan and all that goes with being a Flames fan. You know, the stunted emotional and intellectual growth, the chronic knee and back problems from jumping on and off band wagons, the issues related to keeping your receipt for your Flames jersey so you can return it after they are elimated by the Ducks in the 1st round, etc.

Anonymous said...

Whoops! Looks like someone is forgetting about all the Flames flags flapping in Edmontonian car windows in the spring of '04. If there are bandwagon jumpers in Calgary, atleast they are jumping on the bandwagon of their hometown team.

Anonymous said...

Yes maybe we should promote a telethon.

"For just the price of a cup of coffee a day you too can save a child in need. Do you want to see any child end up like this? (film of degenerates and overall losers in Flames jerseys with the stunned look of disappointment on their faces). Please call in now and you too can save a child in need."

Then some children singing "we are the world" can really milk those suckers for those last few $$ we need to give every needy child a jersey they can be proud of. The jersey of a team that has one more than 1 stanley cup for example. Yes this describes many teams that are not the Flamers, but the clear choice for Canadians is an Oiler jersey.

Anonymous said...

Sorry we must have been posting at the same time because I have a few answers that might help you with the bandwagon thing.

First: you are confusing one group (bandwagoners) with what is actually 2 separate and equally misguided groups.

The first is the group (who are actually bandwagon jumpers - just not hockey fans) of ppl who have been Flames fans living amongst the normals here in Edmonton hiding in a closet and "pretending" not to know anything about hockey for the many many years that the Flames have been an embarrasment to their kind. They likely have an Oiler jersey for the odd occasion they get company tickets to a game, but are still Flames fans although they won't admit it. Then the one year the Flames did really well again they came flying out of the closet just like any other Flamer. Unwanted, with a lispy voice, and not taken very seriouvsly.

The second group is one I'd call the "pitywagoners". These are others who know nothing about hockey and think that any Canadian team should win once the Oilers are out. Their attitude is akin to playing a game of checkers with a small retarded kid, encouraging him along while letting him win. All the while saying "Good job!" as he/she flings snot at the gameboard. This is the feeling from the pitywagoners - they just want the poor downtrodden Flamers to have some sunshine in their otherwise dismal existence. And I don't really blame them.

Anonymous said...

2004: Flames window flags, red mile, some idiots getting drunk and causing minor disturbances.

2006: Oil window flags, white mile(great originality, by the way). Scenes of fans destroying city property and Oil players on TV begging idiots not to wreck the city. "I am such a big Oil fan that I am going to throw this brick through a window, DUHHH".
Even you guys must get tired of hearing yourselves say," 5 cups, 5 cups, the Oil has won 5 cups". Good point, Rainman.

P.S. They have WON more than 1 cup.

Anonymous said...

A cup that holds sweaty balls does not count. Sorry I know that would make the Flamers a dynasty but it still doesn't count.

Anonymous said...

I don't really get your last comment. Are you inferring that the Oil players do not need protective cups?

Eric said...

These comments are awesome - "All the while saying "Good job!" as he/she flings snot at the gameboard." That is genius! Rainman is pretty funny too.

Anyway, to settle this particular disagreement I'm sure we can all agree on the following:

1. yes, the Oilers have more Cups (5x as many)

2. they have properly sized Western Conference Championship banners (after all, winning the conference isn't the biggest event in franchise history, in fact it would be about #8)

3. Oilers fans BUY tickets and go to the games

4. the Oilers roster is deeper than DumDum the goalie and Creased Head guy (wasn't he a Sandler character on SNL in the 90's?) and it is only a matter of time until they gel

5. conversely, the Flamers only have DumDum & Creased Head and it is only a matter of time until one of them is out for an extended time (just imagine Iggy out ... oh wait, that really isn't a problem what with Friesen on his goal/30 game clip)

I could go on and on but I have to get to bed; I'll pick up on this tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

North Pole

Dear Santa.
Here is what I would like for Christmas:

1. A time machine so that I can travel back to the 80's and not sound so pathetic when I talk about the Oil's successful years.

2. A defenseman who is as good-either offensively or defensively as Roman Hamrlik.

3. A NHL names directory with names sounded out phonetically because I have a lot of trouble spelling names(even team names) correctly.

4. A player with as much overall talent as Jarome Iginla.

5. World peace and the removal of that crease in Iginla's forehead. If he could just get rid of that, he could marry a hot woman, have millions in the bank and be recognized, by most intelligentt people in the hockey world, as a top 3 player. Oh, wait......

6. Teeth for Ales Hemsky and Jason Smith, a brain for Ryan Smyth and some courage for all of our Euros and French guys.

7. To play every game against Curtis Joseph(ex? Oil.)

8. An actual starting Goaltender who isn't old enough to be Sidney Crosby's father.

9. The realization that the Oil also sells most of their season tickets to....oh my Gosh, Corporations.

10. Please tell Mac-T to stop calling the back-up goalie,"Juicy". Too much information.

Oil fan.

Eric said...

North Pole

Dear Santa.
Here is what I would like for Christmas:

1. A time machine so that I can travel back to the 80's, well actually 1989, and not sound so pathetic when I talk about the Flamer's ONE successful year. Also a memory blocker so I forget the only reason the Flames got through the conference that year was that Pocklington sold Gretzky prior to that season.

2. A defenseman who is as good-either offensively or defensively as Roman Hamrlik. Someone like say Bergeron or Smith or Smid (the 20 yr old who already plays 20 min+)

3. A NHL names directory with names sounded out phonetically so Phaneuf doesn't have to look so stupid in NHL commercials, "my name is pronounced Gay-on."

4. A player with as much overall talent as Jarome Iginla, or even better, someone like Hemsky - after all he will be a bona fide top 5 NHLer within the next couple years. Or someone who plays his heart out game after game, contract year or not, like Smyth.

5. World peace - well not really, since we need volatility in the world to keep the price of oil up so the oil companies can keep buying Flames tix, God forbid I PAY to watch this crap - and the removal of that crease in Iginla's forehead. If he could just get rid of that, he could marry a hot woman, have millions in the bank and be recognized, by most intelligentt people in the hockey world, as a top 3 player, oh no wait, top 3 on his team... Because intelligent people wouldn't take him over Jagr, DumDum, Crosby, Ovechkin, Malkin, Hossa, LeCavalier, etc

6. Hard nosed, gutty players who will lose teeth to win like Ales Hemsky, Jason Smith, Ryan Smyth. And a brain for Kipper, Playfair and Sutter. And lessons on how to stay on your feet when body checking for our D-men.

7. To play a game were we don't completely count on Kipper, Iggy and Trappy.

8. A goaltender who isn't one injury away from ruining his franchise, and maybe one who has the competive fire of a Roloson.

9. The realization that I am one of 10 or 12 ACTUAL Flames fans.

10. Please tell the Flames to stop calling the back-up goalie, "Noodles". Too much information.

Flame fan.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Your comeback is almost word-for-word of what I thought it would be. I was thinking of proposing a Christmas time ceasefire but you guys are way too funny. Don't have much time right now but that is absolutely ridiculous to say that Iginla is not a top 3 player. He is top 5 in scoring and has as much heart as your beloved "Smyttie". He also throws big hits and will drop the gloves to defend himself. The only physical play that Ryan has exerted this seaon was that flying elbow smash against Colorado. Why he wasn't suspended is beyond me. Maybe it's time for him to get on some supplements so that the next time he bumps into the boards he doesn't break any bones. BUMP!! "duuhhhh, uh oh, I think I done broke my sideways finger."

Eric said...

You would NOT take Iggy over Kipper, Crosby, Malkin, Ovechkin...

Anonymous said...

If the numbers were the same(salary and age), I would absolutely take Iginla. The big reason that Iggy might not put up numbers as impressive as Crosby or the Russians is that he plays on a team that is built to win games not just pad the stats of its star player. You put all those guys in the exact same situation starting out, it would not be as easy a decision as you think.
It is nice to have a player on the Flames who is in that conversation though.