December 20, 2006

Roli vs. Avs

When I have time I'm going to look up Roli's career record versus the Avs. He's been great for the Oilers this year, but man does he ever stink against Colorado. Last night gave me bad flashbacks to their goaltending last year when Conkannen was their tandem. You should not lose when you score 6!

Good news from last night is that they did indeed score 6 without their top goal scorer. Onward and upward from here for the Oil.


Anonymous said...

Why are you surprised that Oldie the Goalie is crumbling? I made this prediction months ago. I was quite wrong on the timing however. I said February and he has actually started pooping his pants pre-christmas. I do admire your optimism regarding the Oil's future. Are you hoping to get a pony for Christmas from Santa? Back to reality, you guys need to give your heads a shake. The Flames are a point ahead of the Oil, have scored an equal amount of goals and still have a game in hand. By the way, the Flames have caught the Oil even with a lineup which is more depleted than the Oil's. Last game there were 6 regulars out of their lineup, 5 rookies inserted and they still won easily. Scored 5 and won. That sure would have been embarassing to score that many (5, one shy of 6), and lose the game. Onward and upward? Do you smoke crack before you blog? Win one, lose one is as good as it's going to get for the Oil. They will miss the playoffs, Smyth and Sykora will choose to leave the environment of losing and it will be back to rebuilding for the Oil. I just hope for your sake that Hemsky won't up and Pronger.
Better luck next year.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see the Flames do anything without Iginla or Kiprosoff. They would likely not even make it to the stadium - you'd see a bunch of hockey players walking aimlessly around town saying "Iggy where are you?".

Or... maybe TannedGay or HammerLicker would show them the way. :|

Anonymous said...

I wanna try some of those oh-so-clever nameplays you Oil fans love. Let's see: LADYslav Smid, Rob Shrimp, Steve Gayos. WHEEEE! That is fun.

Anonymous said...

Wow - even going to the farm team. Is it that hard to think of anyone who actually plays for the Oilers?

Anonymous said...

That's right. Shrimp is on the farm team. Good catch.

Eric said...

Hey Nate, do you think HammerLicker will ever improve enough for the Oil to give him a second chance?

Anonymous said...

No I think it's clear he's almost done his NHL career. Playing for the Flames as an aging player is one step away from being done in the league. Much like Tony Amonte the only steps lower are maybe playing for Columbus and then parking attendent / shoe shiner.

P.S. I wish I knew where to find a stat sheet for hits and blocked shots. I'd love to see where the "great" HammerLicker rates vs Jason Smith.

Eric said...

Don't forget the offensive juggernaut that is Jeff Friesen.