December 22, 2006

Thoughts for the Season

Here's some quick thoughts, Larry King style:

-Is it just me or is there some big event coming up? No matter what your beliefs regarding religion are, I'm sure we can all agree that Jesus didn't intend for the holiday celebrating his birth to be a max the credit card, shoot people for a PS3, put Christmas stuff out in stores in October extravaganza.

-Those Geico - caveman commercials are about the funniest thing on TV right now

-What is the appropriate wait time on taking a dump at work? I always feel guilty heading to the can for a 3-5 minute sit down session when I've only been working for 10 minutes.

-Why is Jim even remotely worried about Pam when he's got Karen?

-And remember, like the janitor on Scrubs said, "Nobody likes a jagged stump."


Anonymous said...

This is my first comment, so I hope I'm doing it right.
Christmas has become totally ridiculous. How many times in the last 2 months have you been walking through a store and seen some unfit mother dragging her kid/s around by the ear, screaming at them,"You sit still and shut up you little monster, I am trying to find gifts for you, cuz' mommy loves you so much.....hey, you little craphead, get back in the cart." Maybe there would be more benefit to the family as a whole if they were to spend time with each other instead of just trying to fill some void with overpriced, hyped-up crappy toys.
"First of all, I'm not one hundred percent happy with your tone right now". That is awesome.
Picture this: working road construction in the summer of 1994. Arrive late, get dropped off at my work area 10 miles from civilization and instantly realize that I am going to blow mud. Didn't feel right about radioing the boss for a ride back after being at work for just 10-15 minutes. So, 1 stack of straw bales and 1 undershirt later.......
What is the proper etiquette?
I have no idea why Jim is still pining after Pam. She sounds like the female version of Ross Gellar. I just hope that I don't have to hold my breathe all this off-season.

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO @ "Blow mud"

Very nice.

I agree on the gifts thing. It's totally out of hand and ridiculous. Although I have to marvel at the amazing power of the marketing machine. "Oh we need that? OK!" Buy buy buy.

P.S. Who the heck are Jim and Pam? Is this good TV I'm missing out on?

Anonymous said...

The Office. Thursdays on NBC. Starring Brick off of Anchorman. Best sitcom to come around in a long time

Eric said...

Nate - The Office. I frickin love it. If you haven't been watching it go rent season one and start in. Steve Carrell is awesome in this show. It is very well written.

Anonymous said...

One more thought on Christmas. I am so sick of all these stories about people who are offended by Christmas and the accompanying festivities. They then level complaints or even lawsuits at companies and force them to keep their "religious beliefs" off their advertising, etc. I don't find myself getting too upset over channukah or whatever it is that our Future Muslim overlords celebrate. It is time for someone in our country's leadership to grow some balls and put an end to this horsecrap. It is only a matter of time before this country becomes totally morally bankrupt. And why do so many people take such pride in Canada being a cultural "melting pot"? Every FOTB coming into this country brings with them their own language, religion and culture. They don't even bother to try learning anything to become Canadianized in the least. It is amazing that the majority of us seem to be blind to the fact that these immigrants WILL play a very major part in the eventual downfall of western society. Now I hear that the English police are very concerned about terrorist attacks over the holidays. Muslims currently make up about 5 percent of their population. They may say that they are proud to be British citizens but the truth is that they are endeavouring to turn England into a Muslim nation. They will not stop until they rule most countries in the world. They are having far more babies than whitey which will obviously result in more adults who wish to bully their way into our churches and our government. But back to the terror crap. MY SOLUTION
(disclaimer: the following MAY be politically incorrect)

The governments of the west vow that they will stick together and that no cowardly act of terror will go unpunished. After the next inevitable attack on our people, it will be determined just how many civilians were killed. The same number of Muslims in that country will then be lined up against a wall. If Islam is truly a nation of peace, seeing such an immediate response to their actions resulting in the deaths of their compatriots should have an effect. Anyways, just wanted to share some pleasant thoughts for Christmas.

Eric said...

Wow - I am all for free speech, but I was just trying to have some fun Larry King style.

As for your "Solution," you are wrong. Killing innocents is rarely defensible and is even less so when there is no reason to think it would have any of the desired effect. The Islamofascist terrorists have proven time and again that they care not who they kill - Christian, Hindu, atheist or Muslim. In their perverted view a Muslim bystander who dies in the course of a terror attack is a martyr. Going down the road you would take us would just create a new type of martyr.

I do agree we face a real danger of future generations living in a very different world if something isn't done. Maybe next week I will share some of my ideas that don't include summary execution of innocents.

Merry Christmas!