December 22, 2006

RealFan is RealNuts!

This is response to RealFan's crazy comment that age and salary equal, he would take Jarmoe over players like Crosby and Ovechkin.

Boy, I wasn't kidding when I mentioned stunted intellectual growth as a hazard of being a Flames fan. I didn't realize it also removes all objectivity and the ability to read stats. I will agree that Iggy is a good player and most teams would be happy to have him, but let's have a comparative look with Crosby & Ovechkin:


Age 19 96/97 82GP 50Pt 37PIM No Playoffs
Age 20 97/98 70GP 32Pt 29PIM No Playoffs
Age 28 05/06 82GP 67Pt 86PIM 1st Rd debacle

Notes - 1st time he took his team into the playoffs was 03/04, his 8th year in the league. Has scored more than a pt/game once in his career (so far this year as well). 05/06 stats included to fairly compare Jarmoe to the others in the "New" NHL (his age and experience is admittedly an advantage although it was not a contract year).


Age 18 05/06 81GP 102Pt 110PIM No Playoffs

Notes - scored 1.26pts/game as 18 year old - Iggy? not quite. Apparently a scrappy player going by PIM. Penguins currently 1 pt out of playoff spot.


Age 20 05/06 81GP 106Pt 52PIM No Playoffs

Notes - scored 1.31pts/game as 20 year old - Iggy? not even close. Generally acknowledged to be a big hitter/playoff type player. Caps currently in playoff position.

No matter how you slice it, these players are better than Iginla, with more upside in today's game. Their impact on hockey will be greater than Jarmoe's.

As to the comment that Iggy is top 3, using RealFan's same salary & age parameter I would put Crosby, Ovechkin, Malkin, Kipper, Brodeur, Hasek, Jagr, (shall I go on?) ahead of him.

Thoughts for the Season

Here's some quick thoughts, Larry King style:

-Is it just me or is there some big event coming up? No matter what your beliefs regarding religion are, I'm sure we can all agree that Jesus didn't intend for the holiday celebrating his birth to be a max the credit card, shoot people for a PS3, put Christmas stuff out in stores in October extravaganza.

-Those Geico - caveman commercials are about the funniest thing on TV right now

-What is the appropriate wait time on taking a dump at work? I always feel guilty heading to the can for a 3-5 minute sit down session when I've only been working for 10 minutes.

-Why is Jim even remotely worried about Pam when he's got Karen?

-And remember, like the janitor on Scrubs said, "Nobody likes a jagged stump."

December 20, 2006

Roli vs. Avs

When I have time I'm going to look up Roli's career record versus the Avs. He's been great for the Oilers this year, but man does he ever stink against Colorado. Last night gave me bad flashbacks to their goaltending last year when Conkannen was their tandem. You should not lose when you score 6!

Good news from last night is that they did indeed score 6 without their top goal scorer. Onward and upward from here for the Oil.

December 19, 2006

Still Here, Part Deux

What a busy couple of weeks. Hopefully now I'll have more time to share my all important thoughts regularly again.

In the mean time, leave me some comments regarding the void you have felt in your lives with me not blogging every day or two.

December 12, 2006

Vote for Rory

I still haven't taken the time to figure out how to link, but you've got to check these ads out. Just make sure you watch them when you won't get in trouble for laughing out loud, because you will.

For the record, I support Rory getting voted into the game. Maybe this will finally make all major league sports realize fans voting for starting line ups is ridiculously stupid.

December 8, 2006

Still Here

I'm still here. This week got out of control so I haven't been able to blog. I have lots of things to talk about, but I'm going to keep this one short since I have to get home to watch the game. Speaking of the Oilers - do things change in a week or what? I was at the Oil/Jackets fiasco with a buddy a week ago and after that I was about ready to kill someone. But winning 2 games since has eased my mind for now.

I was in Calgary for the last couple days. Okay city, but man do I hate the Flamers and their fans. I watched the game in the hotel pub last night. It was amusing being in enemy territory as the Trapginlasoffs "battled" the Wild to a shootout loss - that being the Wild that have Gaborik, Walz, Demitra and 3 more regulars out. The fans couldn't even pretend it was an exciting game, and you should have heard the groans when Kipper lost the shoot out again. Very enjoyable!

Anyway that's it for now. Go Oilers!

PS. Let me know what you think of my new nickname (Trapginlasoffs) for the Flames. I think it captures their essence quite well.

December 1, 2006

Vote Saturday!

I hate being one of those "Vote or Die!" do-gooders, but this election really is important. Whoever wins is likely to be Premier for 8-12 years. That amount of time in this economic environment will make or break Alberta's future for at least the next two or three generations.

I guess what I'm saying is do your research and decide who reflects your vision of where this province should be headed. I will be voting for Ted Morton again as my first choice and my second choice will be Stelmach. I would encourage others to do the same, or at the very least, put Morton down as your second choice.