February 27, 2007

I'm Gonna Puke

Nothing like the trade of your all time favorite player to kick off the afternoon. I feel like I've been kicked in the gut about 10 times and then kicked in the nuts for dessert.

If what I'm feeling right now is what it is supposed to feel like to be a hockey/Oilers fan, then I think I might be about done with it. I've got better things to do. I know I'm naive, but I thought this shit was done with the new CBA.

I've nothing more to say.


Eric said...

Andy @ Battle of Alberta: "This completely undercuts fan confidence... You have to agree on that. Throw in the lockout, the reasons we were told the lockout happened, the Pronger deal, the other signings in front of Smyth, the inability to make a move during the season, and the mayor crying about a new arena, and people aren't going to take the word of EIG and management very seriously.

Anonymous said...

So the Oil has lost their good player/stander in front of the net. Imagine how I'll feel when the Flames start losing their group of point-per-game players.(There will probably be 4 this year). How is the offensive powerhouse up north doing this season?

P.S. I do feel somewhat bad about kicking you guys while you are down.

P.P.S. But not that bad.

Anonymous said...

3-0 and 5-0. The Oil has become "Ales and the grinders". Not a bad name for a band but pretty hard to watch on the ice.

Anonymous said...

lol we WISH we has Ales.

I just got the call from Lowe to see if I was ready to play - one more injury and I'm in!

Anonymous said...

This is about 2 months late but:
na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey goodbye. so there.